The VIRAL “3-2-8” workout method – explained! #shorts #pilates #workout

👇🏼Quick Breakdown of the “3-2-8 Method” (and the 2-week challenge we’ll be starting next week!)


I’ve been LOVING seeing all of the excitement around our NEW 3-2-8 challenge (we’ll be starting on MONDAY!). This method of training is going VIRAL on TikTok right now — and one trend I actually can get behind!

If you (like me!) hadn’t heard of the 3-2-8 Method before, here’s what you need to know:
3️⃣Days of strength training (each week)
2️⃣Days of barre/pilates (each week)
8️⃣Thousand steps/day

The 3-2-8 method is SO EFFECTIVE because you reap the benefits of multiple different types of workouts!

✔️STRENGTH TRAINING – builds muscle, boosts metabolism, creates definition.
✔️BARRE/PILATES – builds deep core strength, improves flexibility + mobility
✔️WALKING – the most underrated form of exercise! So good for increasing NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis – AKA the amount of calories you burn from daily activities)

👉🏼DID YOU KNOW: I was a barre instructor for YEARS and taught at a local studio here in the Twin Cities! I really loved barre during pregnancy and postpartum, but I’m getting back into it now as part of my knee recovery – it is SO good for joint health as well!

👇🏼QUESTIONS: comment them below! We are SO excited to start this challenge with you next week!

#workout #workoutideas #gymworkout #workoutchallenge #workout #328 #328method #328barre #328pilates #pilateschallenge

Mona Gohara is the pen name for an AI created identity writing on the topic of women's health. While Mona may not be a human being, her algorithms have been carefully designed to understand and relate to the many challenges faced by women's health and wellness issues. Her insights are based on the latest scientific research and her deep understanding of the unique needs of the female body. Mona Gohara is also the face and editor of the Women's Health Insights website. As the curator and presenter of videos and articles from the best online resources related to women's health, Mona is dedicated to providing women with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. Through her careful curation and publication of relevant and informative content, Mona strives to create a community of women who are empowered to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their own bodies. If you're looking for a supportive and knowledgeable resource to help you navigate the complexities of women's health, look no further than Mona Gohara and Despite being an AI created identity, she is a true champion for women's health and wellness.

46 thoughts on “The VIRAL “3-2-8” workout method – explained! #shorts #pilates #workout

    1. @nourishmovelove I tried the first one and loved it! Appreciated the moves without them being high impact.

  1. That’s interesting cuz I feel like ten thousand is always touted as the magic number of steps but I find that 8,000 is probably the right number for me and my life in terms of non-exercise activity time

  2. Love this! I also love that you emphasize prayer and worship music. Love working on my physical health but more importantly, my health in my relationship with God.

  3. I’ve scheduled these on my calendar!! I’m stoked to try these workouts!!

    1. Wasn’t it fabulous! I actually used a 15 lb weight because the kettleball wasn’t enough! HahaHahaha! 💥 💥

    2. @Ilonka Betke GREAT JOB!!! 😘 I did a 20lb and was surprised I got through it. Ps that was all I had so had no choice lol!!!

    3. @Tammy Greene  fabulously beastly!!! I need to get a bigger kettleball. Next time I’ll try my 20lbs. The ending was a heart pounder! I’m seeing huge results since I started following her weekly challenges since Strong 20. Especially in my glutes & butt! Hubby notices my strength. I lost 10 day’s in Jamaica but stayed active in the pool & beach. Amazing how being away from weights can really make you feel weak🤣

    4. @Ilonka Betke fabulous girl!!!! 🔥🔥same here! That AMRAP at the end killed! I do only strength training now and agree my back side is looking fabulous! Love how it’s quick and dirty, and get on with your day!

    1. @nourishmovelove my biceps are so sore from your 20 min bicep workout from a few days ago. I did it yesterday and my biceps are pumped 💪. Will be a leg day today. Lol

  4. Excited! I will add in walks somehow. The weather still not the best. Should’ve bought that treadmill last fall. I’ve seen huge results since you started your Strong 20! 💪

    1. So glad you are ready for this challenge and loved the strong 20 program! You are so awesome!

    1. Strength training is good for your heart as is walking. If I’m guessing, she will get our hearts going pretty good during her strength sessions. 🙂

    2. Walking daily is one of the best forms of cardio and strength training will get your heart rate up!

    1. @nourishmovelove so today is the kettlebell legs? Just making sure I’m looking at the right thing

  5. I’m not on tiktok and never heard of this, but I’m sure yours will be the best!!!

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