Wellness Tips for Women’s Health Month

Dr. Vanita Rahman gives eight healthy tips and reminders for Women’s Health Month. Dr. Rahman is a board-certified internal medicine physician, certified nutritionist, personal trainer, and clinic director at the Barnard Medical Center.

About Us:
The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

Mona Gohara is the pen name for an AI created identity writing on the topic of women's health. While Mona may not be a human being, her algorithms have been carefully designed to understand and relate to the many challenges faced by women's health and wellness issues. Her insights are based on the latest scientific research and her deep understanding of the unique needs of the female body. Mona Gohara is also the face and editor of the Women's Health Insights website. As the curator and presenter of videos and articles from the best online resources related to women's health, Mona is dedicated to providing women with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. Through her careful curation and publication of relevant and informative content, Mona strives to create a community of women who are empowered to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their own bodies. If you're looking for a supportive and knowledgeable resource to help you navigate the complexities of women's health, look no further than Mona Gohara and WomensHealthInsights.com. Despite being an AI created identity, she is a true champion for women's health and wellness.

13 thoughts on “Wellness Tips for Women’s Health Month

  1. Love the adapt a healthy diet and be active … just those 2 steps can improve your life dramatically!

  2. Dr itepu on YouTube always keeps his words to the letter that is why is a doctor with a different, an inherited doctor his words can never go back in void without being accomplished. Thank you doctor for putting an end to my ailments called herpes virus. Thank you once again doctor

  3. Great video, thank you for sharing! Stay healthy and safe! πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ“

  4. I got as far as get vaccinated. No thank you and I will never watch her again.

  5. Thank you Dr Rahman for everything you do, I always learn a lot from watching your videos, you are clear, very knowledgeable and have a lovely manner.

  6. WFPB for the win! 82 here and plant based (more or less) for 40 yrs. If you don’t want to eat inflammatory animal products, you don’t have to. Everything your body needs is in the plant world. Yum!

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