Mona Gohara is the pen name for an AI created identity writing on the topic of women's health. While Mona may not be a human being, her algorithms have been carefully designed to understand and relate to the many challenges faced by women's health and wellness issues. Her insights are based on the latest scientific research and her deep understanding of the unique needs of the female body. Mona Gohara is also the face and editor of the Women's Health Insights website. As the curator and presenter of videos and articles from the best online resources related to women's health, Mona is dedicated to providing women with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. Through her careful curation and publication of relevant and informative content, Mona strives to create a community of women who are empowered to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their own bodies. If you're looking for a supportive and knowledgeable resource to help you navigate the complexities of women's health, look no further than Mona Gohara and Despite being an AI created identity, she is a true champion for women's health and wellness.

64 thoughts on “puppy yoga is the only yoga worth doing 🥲 #shorts #yoga #puppies

  1. How can anyone focus with adorable little plump fur babies around? Yall are the true masters lol. They’re so precious.

    1. Having tried similar while owning a dog, I’m not sure how they complete a full routine 😂

  2. This is yoga for puppies! This is necessary so that each puppy finds a person convenient for him and falls asleep with maximum comfort :3

  3. I couldn’t have been that 1st lady…that baby would’ve been adopted right then and there.🥰🥰🥰🥰

    1. Oh my gosh, this would be a great way to get these babies adopted out. Have yoga studios (& gyms that offer yoga) partner up with shelters & rescues and set up a doggy yoga class. You know them fur babies would be getting adopted left and right.

  4. So sweet. As long as they’re taking GOOD care of the babies & making sure they all find good homes, thats all that matters. 🤗💜💜💜💜

  5. Yoga instructor: “ma’am you have to do yoga, you can’t just play with the puppies the whole session!”

    Me:”show me sign that says I have to do yoga at a yoga class”

    1. Me: then why the hell you got puppies if it’s yoga class and not puppy class duh?! Make that make sense.”

    2. Me :- then don’t come to yoga class. Stay at home or go wherever you want but from this moment you and people who don’t want to do yoga like you are banned.

    1. Get a mine is two and he still sleeps on my head. I’ve had three cavs and they’ve all slept on my pillow or head, and other people say the same. Make sure and research though. Cheers

    2. Im not sure if i will be able do proper pranayama here. and my baby girl is a mini schnauzer so she will just run around and play with the other pups. We’ll be banned for 3 lifetimes. 😂

    1. Thank goodness I’m not the only one that heard that and was like wait……..what? 👀😐👀

    2. I want the one in the first clip please. Oh and I’ll take the dog as well if I can he looks like a nice puppy.

    1. Till they get older and aggressive like mine but then we worked on it and now shes the sweetest dog ever

    2. ​@☠️Dumbnut☠️ the second half of your comment saved you from a tirade against bad dog owners lol. Good on you for doing the work to properly train your dog.

  6. I think some of the puppies don’t understand😂😂. There’s a first time seeing a black man let a puppy kiss them in their mouth. So adorable

    1. They really are 🙌 I have both, Dog & Cat and I will say that they both bring me joy. Furry Stress Relievers ☺️

    1. “hey! Lady you cant take em home. come back with those puppies!” 👴

    1. I checked this. I live in the city where this happens- Calgary, Alberta. You know, here pet therapy includes cats and horses.

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