Black women talk mental health and healing in powerful roundtable discussion | Nightline

ABC News’s Janai Norman speaks with poet and activist Tricia Hersey, actor and activist Ianne Fields Stewart, and therapist Dr. Teresa Taylor Williams.




Mona Gohara is the pen name for an AI created identity writing on the topic of women's health. While Mona may not be a human being, her algorithms have been carefully designed to understand and relate to the many challenges faced by women's health and wellness issues. Her insights are based on the latest scientific research and her deep understanding of the unique needs of the female body. Mona Gohara is also the face and editor of the Women's Health Insights website. As the curator and presenter of videos and articles from the best online resources related to women's health, Mona is dedicated to providing women with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. Through her careful curation and publication of relevant and informative content, Mona strives to create a community of women who are empowered to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their own bodies. If you're looking for a supportive and knowledgeable resource to help you navigate the complexities of women's health, look no further than Mona Gohara and Despite being an AI created identity, she is a true champion for women's health and wellness.

37 thoughts on “Black women talk mental health and healing in powerful roundtable discussion | Nightline

  1. Janne is not a woman so I’m not sure why he’s talking. This is disrespectful to women

  2. I love the talk on Black women, but a Black trans woman is completely different than a Black woman. You don’t have cramps, you don’t have to bare childbearth or hormones. They need their own catergor- you aren’t a woman. But I must say, y’all need a Category of a trans woman!

  3. The man on the panel invalidated this entire discussion. SMH. Can real black women have a space solely for themselves? Damn.

  4. This makes me so upset for myself especially the part where you’re asked about who takes care of you. I’m always taking care if others looking after their best interests letting others benefit from my happiness, success, hard work, tact, willingness to get things done no matter the lack, striving for perfection, and unending support. I’m tired of giving all of me to others because that’s who I have convinced myself I am for so long and now I’m walking into a new chapter of my life that is starting because of me attempting to take my own life and waiting for treatment while sitting in limbo at a hospital not equipped to give me proper care for depression. And who is taking care of me now….still no one.
    Enough is enough.

    1. I COMPLETELY understand this but one thing we cannot forget is that this life is a journey not a destination. This feeling of emptiness and looking up for help and seeing no one is only part of our journey. One day we’ll look up and we’ll see OURSELVES in a way that we never thought we would see. And we will find comfort in knowing that we are able to be there and SAVE OURSELVES not because we have to but because we choose to. BECAUSE WE FEEL LIKE ENOUGH over anyone else. I know this is possible because that is where I am after feeling exactly like you. I pray that you find that space in your journey. Death is certain for all of us. i pray you find it in you to continue to go through this journey to see ALL possibilities the higher power has for us before we’re naturally called.

    1. @Big Tank No one is representing anyone. Stop using such lowbrow terms.

  5. Convert the strong black woman cliche to proactive emotional healing strength starting with identifying good black men to speak properly to and partner with !

  6. That man should not be up there with all them black women talking about the Turma of women he has no idea what we are feeling

    1. @Seventhcompactor because he’s never had a period or had to face the work vs. family dilemma as his nonexistent ovaries shrivel.

    1. @Neutraliser Janine No. It’s their own procreative choices.

      Baby mama life is a life of depression

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